Having fungi in your crawl space is never fun. A homeowner in Haubstadt was first aware of mold when he spotted some on the main floor of his home. Once this issue became noticeable, he inspected his crawl space, just to find what he suspected. Although there was no standing water in the crawl space, there were openings in the crawl space that was allowing moisture and humidity to enter and interrupt the environment. If this issue does not resolve, it can affect not only the foundation of the home but the homeowner's health.
Mold remediation was completed to thoroughly clean the wood boards. Annual maintenance is encouraged to ensure that your home is healthy. Any openings in the crawl space were tightly secured. All homeowners deserve a mold-free space with peace of mind.
A closeup picture of what the homeowner suspected was in his crawl space!
Mold can not only effect the foundational structure of your home but your health. It's always best to contact a company such as Healthy Spaces for a FREE inspection.
Fungi is not a fun guy (you see what I did there?)
All fungi were removed and treated to prevent others from growing again.
Another angle of a fresh, clean board that is now mold-free!