Creating Good Downspout Slope in Dale, IN
In this picture, you can see that the backyard is pretty flat. That's great for family fun like a game of lawn bowling, but not so great for getting the rainwater to drain out of your downspouts. By extending the downspouts underground, it's possible to create a positive slope to direct water away from your foundation and basement.

Constructing a Quality Downspout that Lasts in Dale, IN
There are some important considerations when constructing an underground downspout extensions: 1. Rigidity--you need a PVC pipe construction not a weaker material that will crush easily. The weight of the soil and additional force of compacting the fill soils will crush extensions if they are not made of PVC. 2. Diameter and Drainage--you have to have an adequate diameter pipe to allow for rainwater to drain quickly and not overflow back towards the house.

Directing Multiple Downspouts in Dale, IN Home
In most cases, you will have multiple downspouts to direct into the extension system. You want to make sure that the entire system is free of leaks and has been permenantly joined with professional grade adhesives and materials.

Direct Your Downspout Outflow Responsibly
Despite what it looks like at first glance, the downspout extension outpour isn't being directed into the neighbor's yard. That would be very inconsiderate and irresponsible (not to mention unneighborly). What is actually happening is that there is an area near the fence that slopes to the right and directs water parallel to the fence for a distance.