Bowing Wall Repair in Philpot, KY
The homeowners in Philpot had noticed that their rear basement wall was bowing inward after this summer's rains. It appeared that the concrete sidewalk around the outside of the property had tilted and was directing rainwater into the foundation walls. Damon with Healthy Spaces helped the homeowners come up with a solution to repair the bowing wall within their budget. The homeowners were very happy about the repair plan because Damon was able to design a custom solution that would not require them to demolish their sidewalk. Instead, the homeowners will mudjack the sidewalk into the proper grade and the Geo-lock Wall Anchors were able to be extended out past the sidewalk and the earth anchors placed further out in the yard.
The Healthy Spaces installation team installed 9 Geo-lock Wall Anchors with extra long anchor rods to insure that the wall was thoroughly reinforced and able to be seasonally tightened. The wall's deflection was decreased and will continue to decrease as seasonal tightening occurs.
Project Summary
Project Foreman: Steven Joseph, JR
Project Manager: Damon Cheatham