Hole in Foundation due to Soil Problems in Henderson, KY
Cracking in concrete is a natural phenomenon because it is strong in compression, but very weak in tension. When a concrete foundation wall encounters stress forces from outside elements like expansive soil, the portions of the wall that are experiencing tension will crack.

Cracking in Foundation and Brick Home in Henderson, KY
Some of the forces that can act against your foundation on a regular basis include: seasonal temperature changes, seasonal soil swelling and shrinking due to weather and watering, and changes to grading due to landscaping or soil erosion over time. Occasionally, the addition or removal of plants, shrubs, or trees can also affect your concrete foundation.

Stair Step Foundation Cracking in Henderson KY Brick Home
Some indications that you are dealing with expansive soils are:1. Foundation cracks;2. Heaving and cracking of floor slabs and walls;3. Jammed doors and windows;4. Ruptured pipelines; and5. Heaving and cracking of sidewalks and roads

Daylight due to Foundation Cracking
If you are experiencing any of these problems, it’s important to be proactive. The longer that expansive soils exert pressure on your foundation, the more costly and difficult fixing those problems can be.

Cracking Overview in Henderson, KY
Most residential foundation walls are designed to withstand the forces present in standard/normal soil conditions. In some cases, foundation walls have been reinforced, or otherwise altered due to high ground water or soil concerns. You will usually see cracking occur in three ways: vertically, horizontally, or diagonally from a stress concentration.

Clay Soil in Henderson, KY home
Fast Facts on Expansive Soil: 1. Expansive soil is soil that contains a high percentage of certain types of clay that absorb vast quantities of water. 2. Most soil in our area can be classified as a swelling soil. 3. Soil to expand 10% or more as moisture enters it, usually during winter snow melt and spring run off. 4. Expansive soil contracts when the moisture evaporates during our hot summer months, causing extreme differences in the pressure being generated on foundation, driveway, or patios. 5. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates that these soils are responsible for more home damage every year than floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes combined.

Clay Soil Concerns in Henderson, KY
Unfortunately, cosmetic repairs such as new paint or stucco will not fix problems caused by expansive soil. That’s why it’s important to have a professional service company to come in to your home with engineered work that is backed up with warranties and guarantees to protect your investment. The service company should hire an independent, professional Geo-technical Engineer can make a site inspection and perform laboratory tests. After analyzing your particular situation, he can make recommendations specific to your property.

Henderson, KY homes is Piered to Repair Cracking
Here, the home is being returned to level condition through a push pier application. The soil around the settling area is removed to expose the foundation footer. The installation crew then notches out the foundation to place a pier bracket solidly under the foundation footer.

Multiple piers installed around corner of Henderson, KY home
The entire corner of the home is experiencing movement from the expansion and contraction of clay soil. Piers are being placed at 6' intervals to permanently stabilize the home. Here, you can see a bracket that is ready to have push pier tubes driven hydraulically down into the soil.

Piers Installed in Henderson, KY home
Here, the pier tubes are being driven hydraulically down to load bearing strata, or bedrock so the home can then be lifted back to level condition. The engineer will tell the installation crew what pressure to install the piers to in order to insure the home is permanently stabilized.

Overview of closing crack in Henderson, KY
Here is the major crack that concerns the homeowner. The window does not close or open properly due to the foundation settlement and now that the piers are being installed, the window should begin to operate normally and elevation will be regained.

Crack Closed in Henderson, KY
Here, the crack has closed completely and the installation team has marked the site with a piece of white tape to show the homeowners when they return home.

Overview of finished installation
Here, you can see where the soil has been removed the area surrounding the settling corner of the home. The foundation footer is exposed, the crew has completed the pier installation and will begin backfilling the soil.