Stair-Step Cracking
Stair-step cracking at the corners is a common sign that the problem is getting worse. As the wall starts bowing, it's a race against the clock.

Small Cracks Will Eventually Grow Larger
This foundation crack is an indicator of settling and shifting soil around the house. It is likely that the ground will continue to move. As foundation damage goes unaddressed, it will become more difficult to repair.

Preparing For a Foundation Transformation
On the outside of the home, they carefully removed sod away from the wall, and excavated a hole several feet deep and inserted a earth anchor plate.

Lifting the Foundation
A galvanized steel rod is driven through the wall to attach to the earth anchor. This stabilizes the wall.

The Finished Product
Helical anchors are designed like a screw and are pushed through the soil through the bowing wall. The good thing about this system is it can be tightened over time, allowing for the wall to be straightened.