Old Wall Paneling Removed
Once the wall was removed, our Design Specialist could see exactly why his basement would leak every time that it rained.

Removing Wooden Wall Beams
In order for our team to permanently stabilize their walls, we had to remove the existing wooden beams that were doing little to protect their basement wall from further damage

PowerBrace Wall Reinforcement
The PowerBrace foundation wall system is designed to stabilize failing basement walls and allows for potential straightening over time. Zinc-plated steel beams are custom-fit to the basement wall height and secured tightly against it. This is done with brackets that are anchored to the basement floor and floor joists.

Permanently Stabilize Basement Walls
Utilizing a joist reinforcement method that distributes the load evenly, this system eliminates the worry of damage caused to wood floor joists commonly seen with other I-beam systems.

Old Wall Hiding Bowing & Cracking Basement Wall
Before the photo of the wall paneling that was up in this clients' home before discovered his wall was bowing and cracking.